Friday, September 4, 2020

Post 1: My News Soures

As citizens of the 21st century we are all consumers of media and information. Wether it's dinner table gossip or your subscription to the New York Times you are always recognizing, engaging, and processing information that may not directly effect. 

The age of print journalism is nearing an end, thus Generation Z kids, like myself, are finding new interesting ways of finding our news. Here I will share five ways I most often get my news and stay up to date

1. The New York Times

The New York Times is as traditional as a news source as it gets. Almost everyone has heard of it, considering it has been around since the mid- nineteenth century. In my opinion, the NYT is flooded with amazing opinion pieces and a pretty moderate and fair take on things such as politics, foreign affairs, and Covid-19 updates. If I'm ever seriously wanting a solid article this is where I'll go...but that truly isn't very often. I may only go on the NYT once a week.

2. Instagram

The social media networking app Instagram is probably where I get the majority of my news. Instagram the main place I go for finding out everything from the local gossip to what President Trump said today. Many of my friends are socially and politically minded, thus their stories are lined with posts that lead to articles upon articles. The validity of all media should be taken with a grain of salt, especially when it comes from somewhere like Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok. While reliable sources for day to day happenings may be harder to find, I have found some amazing accounts that document some of the amazing things that happen everyday in out world like the @goodnews_movement, who are a team of journalists who post about things like grade school girls being gifted $140,000 because they were seen tryingto access the Wi-Fi outside of Taco Bell.

3. My Mother

This is my mother Jennifer Dacey, and in all seriousness she is my main source of news. My parents have been politically involved their whole lives, even holding office themselves. At the moment she is working on the grassroots Trump campaign, so she is never short of political opinions. We talk on the phone a few times a week, and she alwayshas the latest up to date news. WhileI appreciate her dedication to the political state of our country, we don't always see eye-to-eye on topics so I do a google search or two after each conversation. I decided to include this because politics was our every night dinner conversation growing up, and Fox News was the after dinner special, which I think says a lot about how I consume news as an adult.

4. Darling Media

Darling Media is a company that creates encouraging social media contentalongside self-care and business advice for women. Darling is structured like an editorial magazine but they also have an onlinesubscription. I love reading Darling because they publish stories like "Wisdom to Filter the Voices That Speak," which is a piece on being conscious about how you're letting speak into your life. I find this to be a more productive use of my time when it come to choosing news resources because no matter how important foreign affairs are, they aren't affecting my day to day life.

5. John Krasinski's Some Good News

Some Good News is John Krasinski's, quarantine-born, YouTube series showcasing the goodness of humanity during this time. Again while this is not a traditional source of news, I find it to be the most positive and hear changing news I can consume through the internet. Not to mention his daughters painted the logo in the back.

While my news choices are most definetly unique and not your typical show, I find them to be what works for me at this time in my life. I worry that our consumption of harsh media can grow our anxiety exponentially. For now, ignorance is bliss.

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