Sunday, October 18, 2020

Eight Values of Free Expression: Promote Innovation

     Free Speech is arguably what makes America profoundly unique. Our first amendment right to "free expression" is infamous. While it is a profound pillar of our rights as Americans, it's a little bit more complex than a nice excuse for saying "whatever you want." Our free speech's safety is vital to our country's economy and community. We must be smart, respectable, and intentional with our words and actions in order to respect the Constitution as much as it respects us.

    One of the most critical facets of free expression is our responsibility to Promote Innovation. This is vital to the stability of our community and eventually to our economy. Innovation prospers in communities where free speech is valued and protected. These members of these communities are likely more energized, creative, and interesting as they are actively trying to fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways. 

    This kind creativity is what brought us the first printing press and the first Apple computer. When a society of people realize a collective need they begin to innovate and typically this kind of innovation, while the steps may be slow and small, have the capacity to completely change the world. 

    I believe it's really important for innovation to be promoted after childhood and into adolescence and adulthood. A great way to do this is for adults to get involved in community art classes or events. This can look like those "Wine and Design" shops. It can also look UNC Chapel Hill's MakerSpace. This is a lab fit with 3-D printers and other state of the art design equipment, and it's all meant for college students and others in the community. It's meant for creatives to further educate themselves and have fun doing it. There you will find professionals that volunteer or work to aid the creatives full time, so you're never on your own through the process. The space also promotes collaboration, which in turn creates bonds between community members.

    Free speech is an important aspect when we speak of respecting and promoting innovation. I was lucky enough to investigate and create a short package discussing this MakerSpace. This will be linked below. Feel free to skip to minute 4:00 to hear more about this hub of innovation.

    Another freedom that I believe is essential for the growth is the Promotion of Self-Actualization. This goes hand in hand with Innovation as I believe we achieve more as we become more self aware. This is important to free speech because as we speak and act freely we create and innovate, and in the process we find kindred spirits. This is when free speech begins to lose some of its legality and gain humanity.

    An example of promoting self actualization are the various religious groups in our communities. I believe that the discovery of what you believe is the beginning of discovering who you are. A great example of this how communities come together to encourage Jewish children with Bat mitzvahs or Bar Mitzvahs. In the Christian community YoungLife ministries works hand in hand with parents and the school bored to provide fun and safe activities that hopefully lead to real-life conversations. These conversations and experiences that people in these communities share leads to further self-discovery for the teen or adolescent. 

    Without free speech the way we innovate and grow individually and collectively would not be the same, There is value in our free expression as a creative and as a member of my community.

MakerSpace piece, skip to minute 4:00 - 

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