Saturday, October 3, 2020

Post 4: Anti-War Opinions in Mainstream Media ? Never.

There's a reason we never see the "radical" anti-war sentiment on the main stream media like you can find on or

This is because America was founded on war, survived because of war, and thrived because of war, therefore, war is inherently American. 

From a young age we're taught to idealize war from the media we consume to the things we play with. G.I. Joe a soldier toy popularized in the last few decades, gives little boys and girls an image of what a strong American soldier looks like. If you can't recall the original doll was in fact, a white male. 

G.I. Joe: America's Movable Fighting Man - Wikipedia

Growing up as a Christian, like many in the United States, I was taught to "Love Thy Neighbor" the words and commandments of Jesus and his apostles rang like sweet wisdom to my ears, and they still do this day. 

But it's confusing. Right? The same men and women who tell us to love our neighbors are the same ones voting for the representatives who employ war in foreign nations. Are air strikes an act of loving our neighbor's well? 

This thinking is similar to the thinking of those who write on the anti-war news cites. The editor of writes "This site is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens," and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism."

This is why you don't see it on mainstream media, because everything anti-war belongs to those who are not of the main two parties. Democrats can tell you how much they care about human rights and Republicans can talk about human trafficking all day long, but if you ever mentioned shutting down parts of the military to help solve either issue, the room would be pin-drop silent. 

It's sad to say but the reason we really don't hear these anti war voices on CNN or Fox News is becasause America is pro-war. We may not always agree what wars we should be fighting, but power is about money, and money is about control. And how do you gain control? War.

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